As a man – you must be played the role of a father, a husband, a son, a brother, a boyfriend, a friend and so on. A man has so many responsibilities to perform at home. He might have to solve any situation when it comes to any issues in the family.
Taking care of his family is the prime responsibility of any guy. In all these performings he has mainly two situations – social life and family life. He earns money to serve his family. He wants to fulfill family members’ needs and desires. By doing all these, he must have some mental pressures and issues. That time he needs help to get better and healthier.
If you are in that situation, you must have some issues like that, right? Yes, you need to get out of that situation. Maybe you don’t have time to visit a professional help. On that point, you can help yourself by doing meditations and affirmations.
Men’s mental & physical issues – Some common mental & physical issues men are faced with lots of times.
- Anxiety
- Sadness
- Frustration
- Depression
- Weight gaining
- Reduce appetite
- Sleepless night
How Men Should Take Preparation for Affirming Himself?
Before doing affirmations – you need to be prepared for your mental and physical state. Here I’m writing to you a short guide that will be exampled.
- Figure out your emotions – How you feel at present? Which thing irritate you most? What situation do you want to overcome? All these sample questions you should figure out. Your emotion relies on your mood. So find that emotion – you want to overcome from your life.
- Writing a short journal – From my personal experience, I wrote a letter for myself to describe all the odds that happened in my life. Which turned my thoughts into negative and became my situation went worst. While I was writing all things on a paper – it was magic! My sadness became lessen. So you can write a journal for yourself.
- Making your affirmations – In this post, you may find some awesome and powerful affirmations – but if you need to make your own affirmation, then you can do that. While you making – you should follow 4 steps – positive words, use present tense, specific and personal.
- Select your time for affirming – If you are a job holder then it’s hard to find affirming time. However, you should select your comfortable time to do that affirmation. The best time is morning – if you do affirmations in the early morning then it will be a great source of positive energy to start your day.
- Building a habit – Habit shapes us into what we want to be. So developing a new habit for affirming is good for health. Considering your mental health, you need to do it regularly.
Positive Affirmations for Men
Affirmations can help you to become calm, courageous and confident. It’s hard to reduce mental stress and negativity. When you do affirmations daily, you can release your stress, sadness and sickness.
Once upon a time, I also affirmed myself to reduce my mental pressure. It was great and helped me a lot. I think all these positive affirmations for men – will help you similarly.
1# I am naturally masculine, graceful and handsome.
2# I am good with who I am. I am proud of who I am becoming.
3# Happiness is a choice; today, I choose to be happy.
4# I am respected and appreciated and deservedly so.
5# I am done being used and taken advantage of any worthwhile situation.
6# I have the power to turn negative thoughts into positive beliefs.
7# I love myself and I accept myself as I am.
8# I won’t give up when times get hard and tough.
9# Nobody dictates how I feel; only I have that privilege.
10# My confidence isn’t built off compliments. It’s built on mastery and competence.
Powerful Affirmations for Men
11# I love my life, and I am grateful for everything I have.
12# I am assertive and at the same time, considerate of others.
13# Impressing people isn’t that important, I like who I am.
14# I am a loving person. I give out love and I receive love unconditionally.
15# I believe I can accomplish the goals that I am setting for myself.
16# I am manly in my presence, caring in my attitude and loving in my personality.
17# I am being honest about what I want and I know why I need to accomplish these goals.
18# I am going to make it through this day, and above everything, it is my attitude that determines my stress levels.
19# Currently, I am not at the level I want to be but the more work I do the better I am going to get.
20# I don’t always have to play macho-man. My sensitivity as a man is important and helps me recognize when I’m being too harsh with someone.
Tough Time Affirmations for Men
21# I am resilient I can handle this.
22# I am a successful family man, a loving husband and a doting father.
23# I am satisfied with what I have and I’ll keep working for what I want.
24# As I change my thoughts the world around me changes.
25# I am getting more confident about myself with every new challenge.
26# I am in the process of making positive changes in all areas of my life.
27# My deepest desires are being fulfilled now.
28# I’ll never give anyone a right or power to destroy my self-esteem.
29# I valued my worth I am talented I am not going to sell myself short.
30# I understand that my actions become habits so I will always do the right things.
Pain Healing Affirmations for Men
31# The healing energy of Divine Love flows throughout my body, mind, and spirit.
32# I have no room for negativity. I am pain-free in every respect and my body is full of energy.
33# Every day in every way I am getting healthier and healthier.
34# I learned a lot about myself in my past relationship.
35# I treat my friends and family with compassion and respect.
36# I will calmly observe my emotions with complete mindfulness.
37# I forgive myself for all the hurtful things I said and did out of anger to my ex.
38# If you are using me or always putting me down you don’t have a place in my life.
39# Change is the only constant and I will move through this with grace and ease.
40# Divorce is not the end of the road. It’s a new beginning.
41# I accept the divorce and I accept my ex for who she is.
Positive Affirmations for Black Men
42# You are loved. Often, the world rages against me. I’m hated in many spheres of life.
43# I’m black, I am loved by my Creator. I loved my mothers, sisters, cousins, brothers, fathers.
44# The love that I’m capable of giving can bring peace, and build bridges and longer tables, and bring healing, and joy, and restoration.
45# I’m a Black man, I’m proud of that. I have value, that value is infinite! I’m something special.
46# My life is deserving of its best chance, and I will walk on the path that promotes inner healing.
47# I am calm in the face of conflict. I brush annoyances off quickly and easily. I agree to disagree. I am bigger than that!
48# I release my need to compare myself to others. I judge myself by my own standards of success. I am ENOUGH just as I am.
49# I am committed to my own success. I go out of my way to meet people I admire and respect. I am on the path to greatness!
50# I am an imperfect person but I am full of grace, wisdom, beauty and knowledge.
51# The color of my skin is not definitive of where I belong in this world and no one will be allowed to disregard my presence or silence my voice, based on the color of my flesh.
Positive Affirmations for Alpha Males
52# I remain calm and in chaotic situations.
53# I am confident strong and powerful.
54# I bravely strive for what I want in my life.
55# I am a born leader, I am an inspiration to others.
56# I breathe in confidence and breathe out all fear.
57# I gain respect through what I do and who I am.
58# When I am around other men I feel valued and strong.
59# My confidence and assertiveness come from deep within.
60# I am able to express myself honestly and sincerely to men and women.
61# I have a powerful masculine presence, it’s easy for me to take the lead in social situations.
62# I am dynamic and spontaneous, the first thing people notice about me is my masculine charm.
Self-Love Affirmations for Men
63# I am calm and relaxed whenever I face a stressful situation.
64# I’m passionate, I’m intense, I’m magnetic and warm.
65# I am courageous enough to step into tense situations.
66# I have everything I need already within me.
67# I care for myself, I deserve love and happiness.
68# Self-care isn’t always fun or easy but it’s what I have to do to stay healthy.
69# My journey of self-love isn’t about me being selfish, isn’t about me becoming the best version of myself.
70# I am not selfish if I focus on myself for a little bit I need to make sure I’m okay and healthy.
71# The more I love myself the more I realize people that disrespect me have no place in my life.
72# My mind has creative ideas as well I can build my own future.
Money & Wealth Affirmations for Men
73# I am wealthy, I am a wealthy man, I attract wealth to me from all directions.
74# I have all the money in the world to provide for all the things that I desire.
75# I am rich, I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance.
76# There is more than enough for everyone. Abundance is everywhere I look. I see wealth, abundance and prosperity everywhere I go.
77# Every day, more and more money keeps coming to me with the speed of light.
78# I am financially abundant, I am prepared to take my finances to a whole new level.
79# I bless all rich, wealthy and abundant people. I bless their wealth and abundance and send them my love.
80# I earn money constantly by helping other people unselfishly.
81# When wealth comes to me, I know that it is a direct result of the service I render to other people.
82# I am equipped with the right tools to become rich, I am bringing more and more money to my bank account.
Self-confidence Affirmations for Men
83# I’ll never give a person the power to use their words or actions to destroy my self-esteem.
84# I am grateful for my healthy body and I bless every part of my body.
85# I can only control what I do I can’t control what they think say or feel
86# I define who I am I decide what I do a reputation is something I’ll never fully have control over but I can’t control how I live my life.
87# No one can give me my purpose it has to come from within.
88# I no longer need for approval or recognition from others.
89# I am in the process of manifesting my heart’s desires.
90# My immune system is very strong and can deal with any kind of bacteria, germs and viruses.
91# Regardless of the challenge whatever is thrown in front of me he’s going to take care of it.
92# I have to learn to speak up for myself I can still be respectful but I have to let people know that they can’t walk all over me.
93# My body’s metabolism is at its optimum and provides me with all the energy that I need.
Actionable Affirmations for Men
94# I am a priority, not an option.
95# I trust myself to get the job done.
96# Everything I desire comes to me easily and effortlessly.
97# I am worth something and I won’t let anyone try to break me down.
98# What others say and think about me is none of my business.
99# I am perfect whole and complete exactly as I am. I am great because of me.
100# I changed the way I look at things and the things I look at are changing in positive ways.
101# I am commonly centered I feel totally at peace with myself and everyone else.
102# I developed the powers of my mind through meditation and positive affirmations.
103# My failures have made me the amazing person I am today.
Your Turn – Build Positive Personality
Read full affirmation list? If so, then it’s time for you. You can practice by yourself. I think you have some knowledge of how to affirm and what benefits of that. Be stick with doing daily affirmations until it becomes your habit. You’ll get a good result from that.
Every day you have been passing so many tight schedules, work pressure, family problem, social imbalance and financial crisis. These all or you can make yourself – can help to boost your mental energy and calmness. By doing these affirmations, you can develop your personality positively.