101+ Affirmations Before Exam That Make You Well Prepared

An article about affirmations before the exam.

Sometimes exams can be created a sense of fear. And it happens with students for now and then. Apparently, it is dreadful, when you have less preparation for an exam or test – you will feel stressed and anxious. As a result, as much as the closer to your exam date you may feel hopeless before seat on the exam.

What if you can give your best shot during the examination? It is a fearless attitude while giving a test. How can be that state of mind? Or how can take the best possible preparation before your exam? All things depend on your mental attitude and mindset.

In this detailed guideline, I will share some tricks and affirmations that make a sense of excellence.

What Can You Say to Motivate Yourself Before an Exam?

Saying positive statements is the most influential and inspirational toward yourself. Before any exams, tests, or semester finals – you need to be active and focus on your study regarding the exam syllabus. But lack of preparation and time, you feel pressure and pain. You know, if you don’t take well preparation, either you fail on the test or can’t get good grades.

However, you need to take some actions, before taking preparation – saying positive and powerful statements, making a commitment and setting goals of achievements. By doing all things you can get motivated yourself before any exam. Here I give some examples you can read and say to yourself as affirmations.

  1. No matter where am I right now. Still, I have time to take good preparation.
  2. My preparation must be well-planned. I am confident as I approach my exams.
  3. There is no room for fearful, dreadful and stressful situations.
  4. My commitment makes me reach my goal.
  5. During my exam time, I give my best shot.
  6. Everything easy for me. I get a good grade on that exam.

Those statements can motivate you. You can recite it loud out. During the preparation period, every day you must say those affirmations then your seat at your study table. 

How Do You Write Exam Affirmations?

Robert T. Bennett, a famous politician who quoted in his book ‘The Light in the Heart‘, “Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.” That thing only happens when you focus on a positive mindset.

Now, if you want to make your own exam affirmations, I give you some tips to write. Following these three tips, you can write your best affirmations before any exam and test.

  1. Use positive and powerful words & sentences: When you write your test affirmations, you need to input some positive and powerful words. Never use any negative words. Words have meaning and emotion. While you saying with positive words, it creates a positive emotion that can be helpful for yourself.
  2. Always use present tense: Your affirmation statements must have present tense. Because, when you saying, it is important to feel the present moment. And present tense has that expression.
  3. Affirmations should write based on your current situation: You know better your current situation, right? Which exam? What syllabus do you want to complete? All things you already knew. While you writing your exam affirmations, you need to focus on those things.
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Before Exam Affirmations for Students

Before exam affirmations should be uplifting you from the scratch. These should be based on your preparation for the coming exam and test. Here I give some examples of that. Have a look and take note of those affirmations.

1. I am a great student.

2. My mistakes help me learn and grow.

3. I studying in the correct way.

4. I always focused on my studies.

5. I prepare for exams smartly so I am fully prepared.

6. I have a sharp memory and I easily understand and retain whatever I study.

7. I’m hardworking and intelligent. I deserve an A grade.

8. I feel good about myself and my surroundings.

9. My memory is great, and I easily recall information that I have learned.

10. During the exams, I recall information quickly and easily.

Positive Exam Affirmations

Positive vibes can give you positive energy. Before seating on a test exam, it is most important to have a positive mindset. Here are some positive exam affirmations listed below.

11. I try my best at everything I do.

12. I enjoy learning more each new day.

13. Learning will create opportunities for a better life.

14. Remember new information comes easy for me.

15. I feel relaxed and confident during tests.

16. I am detail-oriented especially during exams.

17. I study regularly which helps me pass exams easily.

18. With every passing day, I am becoming adept at studying.

19. I am grateful for having such good teachers and a good education.

20. Learning, understanding, and applying come naturally, constantly, and effortlessly.

Powerful Exam Affirmations

21. I succeed in stressful situations.

22. I am prepared to ace all these exams.

23. I am happy I have an opportunity to learn.

24. I believe in myself, I believe I can do anything.

25. I am looking forward to a great score on this test.

26. I stay focused while studying for exams.

27. I am always focused on my studies which enables me to get good grades.

28. I like tests, they are important to measure how much I know.

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29. I am able to call upon my body and mind at a moment’s notice.

30. Studying is easy and pleasant for me, I can see an improvement every day.

Confidence Affirmations Before Exam

31. I’m very focused on my preparations.

32. I am improving my study habits every day.

33. I am a capable person; I am going to learn a lot today.

34. I have great study skills, and I learned this subject easily.

35. Taking exams and proving my knowledge is fun for me.

36. I begin studying well before exams are scheduled.

37. I will pass this test and go on to achieve all of my goals.

38. I am turning my nervous energy into focus and positive thoughts.

39. Some exams are tough but my study technique makes passing easy.

40. Getting good grades is natural for me as I can recall information easily.

Affirmations for Exam Anxiety

Many of us have suffered before any exam or test. As a result, they don’t make a good preparation as well as can’t best effort in the exam. If you have this type of anxiety then you should be cautious. You should replace your anxiety with a positive mindset. You can affirm yourself regarding your anxiety and stress.

41. I am relaxed during exams.

42. I deal with stress with ease.

43. I know how to thrive under exam pressure.

44. I can control my breathing and stay calm before and during my test.

45. I am easily able to sit for exams without stress or anxiety.

46. I am a responsible person and I will always do my best.

47. I am confident about passing my test exam.

48. I choose to release feelings of stress and embrace joyful thoughts.

49. Everyone around me is supportive and has helped me prepare.

50. My ability to focus is increasing which is making me a peak performer.

Focus Affirmations Before Test

Lack of preparation, sometimes you can’t focus on your study or course materials. That’s why you need to affirm to create a vibe that helps you focus on your test preparation.

51. I am focused on my preparation.

52. I remove distractions to help me have more focus.

53. I am 100% focused on succeeding in my exams.

54. Staying focused now comes naturally to me.

55. My mind is focused on my academic goals.

56. Focusing and passing exams is natural to me.

57. I am recognized as a student with immense focus and determination.

58. I am focused and concentrated whenever I am studying, nothing grabs my attention away.

59. I transcend distractions as focusing on studies comes naturally to me.

60. I am always focused on my studies which enables me to get good grades.

Best Affirmations for Good Grades

Who doesn’t want to get good grades? But not everyone achieves a good result. Here are some best affirmations that can help you to make a good outcome.

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61. I know what I need to know for this exam.

62. I am looking forward to the challenge of this exam.

63. I’ve done my best to study for this test and am well prepared.

64. I can enter my mind palace to retrieve forgotten information.

65. I am excited about the chance to be a college student.

66. My education is important to me because it prepares me for my future.

67. I lay emphasis on understanding the subject rather than learning by rote which makes learning fun.

68. I respect my education because it creates a more complete me.

69. I prefer writing answers in my own words rather than reproducing word for word from textbooks.

70. All subjects are fun for me! All subjects are easy for me! All subjects are fun and easy for me!

Exam Affirmations for Success

71. My confidence grows when I step outside of my comfort zone.

72. I see exams as fun and intellectually challenging puzzles.

73. I feel good about taking these exams because I know I am fully prepared.

74. I study not only for exams but also for acquiring knowledge.

75. I am making my teachers and family proud of my exam score.

76. I say no to fear and yes to achieving my educational goals.

77. I always expect good results in exams and come out of exams with flying colors.

78. I am prepared for my exams. I love taking exams. Exams are a breeze for me.

79. I see myself for the knowledgeable success that I am.

80. I answer the exam questions correctly because my studying technique is great.

Affirmations for Exam Preparation

81. It feels amazing to do well in exams.

82. I have more than enough time to prepare for my exams.

83. I feel good about myself and my preparation for this exam.

84. I study for at least two hours daily; the rest of the day is mine to enjoy.

85. I create my study schedule and use it to successfully pass all my exams.

86. Studying comes effortlessly to me and as a result, I do well in exams.

87. Today I study hard, so tomorrow I can make my difference.

88. When I am exposed to information that benefits me, I absorb it like a sponge.

89. I release my fears and open my mind to new information to help me beat my exams.

90. I forgive myself for not studying regularly and I transcend all feelings of unworthiness.

Affirmations for Good Exam Results

91. Exams are easy & exams are fun.

92. I am worthy of amazing exam results.

93. I make time to revise and study.

94. I am so grateful for my results.

95. I welcome the challenge I like knowing.

96. When I see the exam paper I feel excited.

97. I am steady like a calm sea as I sit down to take my exam.

98. I see exam results as scales of my knowledge, not judgments.

99. I have plenty of time and resources available to me.

100. I have all the knowledge inside of me to pass.

101. I understand my subjects effortlessly I can easily focus.

102. I fully trust in the universe that I am being supported in my exams.

103. I have all the answers within I love being able to demonstrate all I have learned.

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